• السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ •
Menjelang tahun 2017 ni, dd akan update post "16 Facts About Me" yang tahun lepas punye. FYI, setiap tahun dd akan come up dengan faktax2 baru untuk setiap tahun okay. ceittmacamlaorangberminatsangatnaktahupasalkaupuii
- That type of person who still laughs so hard at the joke which was dead 20 minutes ago.
- Sayur yang paling tidak disukai ialah sawi.
- A really emotional person.
- I adore knitwear.
- Lowkey a kpopper.
- It looks like I'm not that active on the social medias but I'm actually REALLY active especially on Instagram.
- Jenis yang menabung and a shopaholic at the same time.
- Lowkey like to read books.
butitakesaliltimeformetounderstandwhatIreadthoughyeahI'maslowreaderntahlamaybebanyaksangatmakanmaggikot - Really loves maggi dan keturunannya.
- Hate it when people put high expectation about me.
- Ada habit suka lipsync lagu dekat depan cermin time sorangx2 dalam bilik. Kononx2 macam buat show la. We all have that crazy side of ourselves.
- Sangat menjaga kecantikan orangnye.
tapiturnsouthangus. - I LOVE listening to songs.
- Pemalu orangnye. Ececece
- Tidur dan dd. Berpisah tiada.
- Pernah berlakon in front of my friends and they told me that my acting looks real and I can be a good actor.
nisemuaberkatbanyaktengokkdramalani - I edited this blog on my own.