• السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ •
It's almost the end of the year 2016. I was kinda afraid by how the time had flew so quick. I admit that this year is not a fortune year though. I fought a lot with my friends, lost some friends, got bad grades, got bad rankings, got rejected by crush, got bashed, got quite many hates, got people talking my back and more. 💔 But yeah. Try to see the bright side though. 😉 This year was absolutely a great honeymoon year. 😁 I was in the same class with my gang *Adlina, Nabihah, Kamilia and Aida* and of course we do clown a lot all the time.
I remember when it was early 2016, our group was the most quiet group in the class. Our group still the queen of the most quiet group until the end of the year though As days passed, as weeks passed, as months passed, I think our group had been quite noisy. Kahkah. And this one can't be dismissed : Sembang kuatx2 sampai satu tahap kena "Sshhhh !!", kena "Hish ! Bising gohla". Lepas tu kite kasi revenge, kita gossip 'diorang'. Hahaha 😂 Padan muke. 😑 Xpe 'diorang' xjumpe pon blog underrated aku ni. *Husnudzon* Skali 'diorang' jumpe blog aku, bagi pandangan maut bagai, mampus aku 😃🔫

Sure it was super fun to be with you guys. Even it was just a year, but, the tie in our bond is so tight than we expected it to be. I guess we get along so well. 😁 We shared so many things together about our private life, our crushes, our enemies and a lot more. Hahaha that Ustaz Mude, Sinar Fizik, Baldi berlubang, Daie Niezal how can I forget them ? And then ingat tak lagi kita letak nama panggilan untuk orangx2 yang kita nak ngumpat ? Yeon Hwa, P, Musang, L, Loceng, Langsuir aka Ketey, Psycho, Bang Bang Bang, Tarens, Karpet Terbang aka Ali Baba, Bangla aka wang so dan banyakkk lagi. Pastu ingat tak lagi kita main susukx2 ( sorok ) barang sampai satu tahap ada yang naik hantu ? Hahaha Especially aku la tu 😂 Pastu time kita selfie ramaix2 and then bile muke tak jadi, buat gusti WWE sebab nak suruh delete punye pasal. Especially Kami la tu Pastu that time when kite compete siape lagi laju buat latihan mod math and add math. Hahahahaha 😂 I'm glad I did these with you guys. These were the precious moments that we all created together and I'll surely keep them all in my heart. 💓 It's unfortunate that these times couldn't last though. But, our memories will always be there for sure. All our laughters, smiles, everything's still there :')
Result dekat SAPS dah keluar. Bile tanye masingx2 punye result, it seems like we'll separate. 😢 Ranking masingx2 jauh. So khulasahnye, tak payah nak berangan sangat la boleh sekelas bagai sebab memang dah nampak bertapa tipisnye possibility tu. Tapi tak tahulah kan kalau Allah nak kita kelas sama, kan ? Haha Omong kosong. 😪
Jujur, ikhlas dari hati dd cakap. I didn't regret for a single thing when it comes to you guys. You guys are probably the most priceless gifts that I ever got. I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh. But, I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. Even we did fight a lot sometimes, I want you guys to know that they are all the beautiful moments that ever happened in my life. The bad and the good, they are all wonderful. It's our friendship that's beautiful. Alhamdulillah :')
Guys, thanks for always listen to everything. Thanks for always be patient and hadap my bad behavior. I'm sure there's no one else can stand me like you all did. But thankfully, you still chose to stay and stand by my side. You're definitely irreplaceable type of person. And I'm so grateful for that. Thanks for being the reason that I'm waking up for school. Thanks for all the laughs, the fun that we had together. Thanks for the friendship, thank you for the smiles. Thanks for the loves you showed me even though it was only for a while. 😊
I'm sorry for being quite bossy sometimes. Not quite bossy but SoO bOsSY Not sometimes but alL tHE tiMe I'm sorry for being so comfortable that I forgot to treat you good. I'm sorry if my jokes were a bit too much sometimes that they broke your heart. I'm sorry for forcing you to do something that you don't want to. I'm sorry for all the hurts that your heart had borne that were caused by me. I knew it was hard to be around me sometimes, right ? Hm :')
And if it was real that we'll split next year,

P.S : But, yeah anyways. Tahun depan buat molek ( elokx2 ) nehhh ! Nk SPM doh kite nimmmm ! Kite fight ! I 💜 you guys to the moon 🌛 and never back !