Let's make a happy content today. lol.
Today I've decided to flashback my old sweet memory back when I was in the childhood years.
When I was around 7 y/o, I lived in this neighborhood known as "Lorong Surau Baru".
I made many friends there and every day was so fun. I literally went out to play with my friends every day. What a good time I had back then...
And then, there were these two boys who were my age that had a crush on me. lol. Let's name them as A and B.
First and foremost, let me introduce them. A is the son of my dad's friend. Like.. his dad and my dad are always working on a project together. More like a workmate, I can say? lol. Sorry. Honestly, I don't really know either. But his family pernah jugakla datang beraye at my new current house I'm living now and it's so awkward after years of not seeing each other. So, I don't know.
If I'm to describe him, he was so soft. Like almost too soft to be a boy. lol.
But he's smart. Like frankly speaking. He's super smart. At least one of the smartest people I know.
I heard that he's now working on memorizing the Quran at the college that's under UIA? I'm not really sure... But his dad told my dad that he's going to apply for medic later on for degree. Good for you, A! All the best! I wish you luck. (:
And then, on the other hand, there was B. Honestly, I know nothing much about B except his short nickname and his dad's occupation. His dad works as a policeman. lol. What a random thing.
But overall, they were both cute. lol. I'm just being honest here, okay. Like their looks are super fine bruhh.
And then, suddenly pada suatu petang ni, nana (my neighbor) called me and asked me to choose one between A and B. Like-
...tibeee. lol.
I remember B had his friend escorted him all the way from a completely different neighborhood just to win my heart. lololol. That makes me sound so narcissistic. But seriously. I'm telling you the truth, okay.
I really don't have any idea who his friend was and I never think that I'd seen him somewhere. I guess they went to the same school? lol. Idk.
And then looking at the right side, there was A. A didn't has anything prepared but a smile showing his 'not so nice' looking teeth. HAHAH. You know, we were just kids back then. Baru nak tumbuh gigi and all that. What do you expect?
I didn't remember If I'd chosen any of them. But I remember I was more drawn to B. Because-
...you know, his efforts. I repeat, his EFFORTS.
B and his friend plucked all variation types of flowers that my neighborhood had and put them all in a red holographic box.
I remember it's maghrib and I was sitting on my old house's staircase when he handed me the box.
After all the troubles that he went through, all he asked in return was just simply a picture of me. So I told him to wait and I went into my house, picking a completely random picture of me in my family's photo album and handed it to him. It's really random that I can't even recall which picture of me that I'd given to him.
Years after that, I was friends with his lil brother and I remember he told me that B still kept that picture of me in his wallet. And I somewhat feel so touched? lol. He was literally the sweetest.
I was so deeply touched with his efforts that it affected me up until today. Because I think that's the purest thing that I ever received my whole life.
And I will forever cherish those sweet moments I had. Thank you A and B for letting me lived those moments. ((:
P.S : To anyone who's trying to contact me, I'm sorry for not telling this earlier but I'm actually taking a break from socmeds. So, if you really want to contact, please just call me or text me but not through whatsapp, okay? Because I'm also deactivating my whatsapp temporarily.