She was the girl who loved to love. The type of girl who wore her heart on her sleeve, and when she loved, she would love wholeheartedly. She would put her ALL into that love. Her heart, her mind and her soul would all dive deep into that love. Not because she was senseless or naive, but because she was gentle, kind and real. Magically real. They said she was the girl who would always get hurt because of the way she loved. But if it wasn't for that raw, honest and pure love, what would be the point of love ?
She was just a girl who wanted the person whom she loved to love her back. That's all. Because it's painful being the one who loves more. Even if they could break her heart into tiny little pieces, she'd still pick them up and put them back in their hands.
How sad is that ? To be hurt for just wanting to be loved ?
As she confessed, she stared deeply into his eyes hoping to see something, the spark.
Her inner self whispered, "Please tell me I meant something."
As the boy was about to speak, she knew it. She already knew what the boy was about to tell. The facial expression. The sigh. She could read them all as they're like writings.
"You're good at that," she said.
"What ?" he asked.
"Making people believe they are more important to you than they actually are."
His face turned bitter.
"Maybe I'm just hard to love, you know. This happens all the time to me. But still, maybe I'm not experienced enough to know this situation will come around again. I fool myself every time thinking that you care about me when you're actually a natural-born considerate person. You almost convinced me that I matter. How stupid of me was it to think that you actually saw something in me ?" She curled up a bitter smile as her tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.
The boy felt sorry for her and took a step closer. The girl immediately distanced herself.
She spoke up "It's okay. You don't have to feel bad for being true to yourself. I'm used to it. It's nothing new." The boy was convinced with the smile that she plastered on her face.
The girl came closer and said with a really quiet voice that's barely there as she repeated the same line "It's okay. I'm used to it." She patted his shoulder and walked pass him with nothing in return. But a broken heart.
Because she has always been afraid of losing the people she loves. Sometimes she wonders if there is anyone out there that is afraid to lose her. For once, she wanted someone to be afraid to lose her. But she doubts anyone would ever fight to keep her in their lives.
Really. Being ignored by the ones whose attention means the world to you is the worst feeling ever. You'll feel so stupid for caring too much when you found out you didn't mean as much to someone as you thought you did. At that very moment, you'll feel so worthless because all you ever did was love them, but all you got back in return was hurt.
How sad is that ? To be hurt for just wanting to be loved ?
As she confessed, she stared deeply into his eyes hoping to see something, the spark.
Her inner self whispered, "Please tell me I meant something."
As the boy was about to speak, she knew it. She already knew what the boy was about to tell. The facial expression. The sigh. She could read them all as they're like writings.
"You're good at that," she said.
"What ?" he asked.
"Making people believe they are more important to you than they actually are."
His face turned bitter.
"Maybe I'm just hard to love, you know. This happens all the time to me. But still, maybe I'm not experienced enough to know this situation will come around again. I fool myself every time thinking that you care about me when you're actually a natural-born considerate person. You almost convinced me that I matter. How stupid of me was it to think that you actually saw something in me ?" She curled up a bitter smile as her tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.
The boy felt sorry for her and took a step closer. The girl immediately distanced herself.
She spoke up "It's okay. You don't have to feel bad for being true to yourself. I'm used to it. It's nothing new." The boy was convinced with the smile that she plastered on her face.
The girl came closer and said with a really quiet voice that's barely there as she repeated the same line "It's okay. I'm used to it." She patted his shoulder and walked pass him with nothing in return. But a broken heart.
Because she has always been afraid of losing the people she loves. Sometimes she wonders if there is anyone out there that is afraid to lose her. For once, she wanted someone to be afraid to lose her. But she doubts anyone would ever fight to keep her in their lives.
Really. Being ignored by the ones whose attention means the world to you is the worst feeling ever. You'll feel so stupid for caring too much when you found out you didn't mean as much to someone as you thought you did. At that very moment, you'll feel so worthless because all you ever did was love them, but all you got back in return was hurt.