• السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ •

Hey ! You finally turned officially sixteen at last, dd ! Happy Birthday ! Even hari ni birthday dd sendiri, dd tetap nak jadi orang first yang wish walaupon biasenye kita sentiase harapkan orang yang tersayang untuk wish dekat kita. Well, tak ade maknenye diorang nak wish dekat aku tepat pukol 12 malam bagai sebab siapelah sangat aku ni. Tapi, tak apelah. Let them be. Tak payah nak sedihx2 sangat. Hari ni kan Birthday kau so be happy okay ?
dd, walaupon kau selalu letak expectation yang tinggi melangit mase birthday kau like receiving gifts that you craving all this time, get treated like princess of the day and getting so many wishes from friends, family and crush, maybe ? Haha, joke. And it turns out tak ade orang lansung yang ingat birthday kau. Kalau birthday pon lupe, tak payah cakaplah pasal orang bagi hadiah ke tak sebab memang jauh sangat aku melajak tu. Huhu. Terima atau tak, that's the story of my life. Sedih kan ? Kahkah
BTW dd, dah 16 tahun kau wujud dan hidup kat dunia ni so, tibalah masenye untuk kau kembali semule ke tempat asal kau iaitu di marikh. Ok, Ok, gurau. Dah 16 tahun kau hidup kat dunia ni and you'd gone through so many things that what makes you strong as now. I'm proud of you. Keep going and be strong always okay ? You'd been level up starting today so make sure that you'll level up yourself in everything in your life untuk tak lain tak bukan to create the better version of you. Kalau hal akademik tu, pertingkatkan lagi, pleaseeeeelah. Rajinx2 kan diri untuk study sebab tahun depan kau dah nak ambil SPM dah kottt ! Tak sedarx2 lagi ke ? Haish. Play hard and study smart. Cuba tolong diri sendiri tu untuk dapat result and ranking yang gempak. Nanti yang happy tu kau sendiri, jugak ! So, cubax2 lah untuk bina hidup yang bahagia. Happiness is a choice. So, choose what makes you happy, dd !
I was thinking about the wonderful things Allah created and know it's myself that came into my mind. Biarlah aku nak perasan pon kan sebab bukan selalu. But BTW, the strong and the faithful me that what makes me now. Well done, you're doing great ! Know that even banyak lagi ujian yang mendatang always hold on to yourself. Be strong for yourself. Always. Sebab memang tak ade siapenye yang akan sentiase ade untuk kau selalu. Aku nak kau ingat tu. Years will age you, but never let the child inside you wither away. Explore your talent and aim high. Dream big, beyond the limits and touch the sky. I'm sure you will because I know you best. May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. May it brings you as much happiness as you give. May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine. The happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter. The feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer. May Allah bless you with good health and prosperity this year. May you always be blessed with walls for the wind. A roof for the rain. A warm cup of tea by the fire. Laughter to cheer you.Those you love near you. And all that your heart might desire. And lastly, I hope there will be that day where you surprise yourself with something unexpected and that's where all the happiness begin.