I don't know if she knew this but actually I painted this painting myself. Yup, specially for her. I know her for 12 years something. Yup, it means I was still a toddler when our first met. It's amazing that we got this far. And also, I want you to know that ilysm. Thanks for being a very helpful friend whenever I need help. Thanks for understanding me. Thanks for being crazy with me. Thanks for always remembering my birthday. Thanks for giving your shoulder when I cry. Thanks. Thanks for every single things that you'd done to me. I honestly really appreciate your courage in this friendship. 2016 is the year that I always wonder if I can ever meet a friend like her again. Frankly speaking, she is one in million. To find a friend like her is like to find a tiny marble in an ocean. Yup. That's how I can describe her. I am truly thankful to Allah to give me great friends at SHAMS. I am hoping that Allah can give me strength and faith if I ever lose my great friends. My friends are part of my story. They play their roles and I really don't want to lose them. #sayangSHAMS #PT3 #batch00