- I LOVE chocolate. And lagi best kalau ade campur dengan kacang sikit pehh
- A right handed.
- I rarely comb my hair.
- Antara mee kuning, mee halus dan kuey teow, I prefer kuey teow.
- I LOVE gifs.
- I LOVE hugs especially when I think of negative thoughts.
- PALING BENCI kalau ada barang hilang.
- Bukan jenis yang penyabar sangat.
- I can be really harsh with words sometimes. Depends on the day, my mood, the people and the circumstance that I'm in.
- My fav number is 8.
- I ARGUE over the tiniest things.
- I'm pretty sure that I have a combination skin.
- I have a resting bitch face.
- Dah kekurangan satu gigi kekal.
- Jenis yang kalau dah jumpa kawan yang sekepala, I'll stick with them. Tak cari kawan lain dah.
- Tersangatla pendiam orangnye and hardly open up to people. So that make me hardly get along with people. Jenis susah nak rapat dengan orang. So, if I'm comfortable around you, consider yourself lucky.
Ceitttluckytahikayamkaupuihhh Maybe it's because I'm too socially awkward or I overthink things I about to say or act way too much or it's because the fact that I'm an introvert. But I swear once you got me comfortable with you, I'm crazier than you expect.
- Layan anime la jugak.
- I have a really low self confidence.
- Dekat rumah dd ada habit speaking sengsorang pastu record myself with my vidcam.
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